Project 1882
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Project 1882 adopts historic promise to animals

For two days, Project 1882 took part in the World Federation for Animals (WFA) annual meeting. Several important issues were discussed, including our collective efforts to make a change for the animals that are the most exploited and suffer the worst...

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Factory farms

Nowhere in the world are there more animals than on factory farms. They are treated as products, even though they are sentient individuals with their own interests and needs. Project 1882 is working to change this through public education, political advocacy and partnering with businesses. We work for a future without factory farms.

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Fur industry

In the fur industry, animals are bred and killed solely because people want to wear their furs. The animals are kept in small cages and their living conditions are very different from the life they are adapted to. It doesn't have to be that way. Project 1882 works to dismantle the fur industry and the fur trade.