Thanks to your support, we can continue our work for the animals. Your voice makes a difference for all the animals that suffer and are exploited in animal experiments, on fur farms and in factory farms. Our warmest thanks!
Your support makes a difference for all the animals who suffer and are exploited in animal experiments, on fur farms and in animal factories. Our warmest thanks!
Project 1882 strives for a world where animals are respected as sentient beings with the right to their own lives.
With effective campaigns and political advocacy, Project 1882 makes a difference globally for the animals that are the most exploited and suffer the worst. We have been a driving animal advocacy organization in Sweden and beyond since 1882, creating change for millions of animals.
We provide information about animal welfare and bring citizens' opinions to those in power. We shape public opinion and influence legislation. We dismantle factory farming and advocate for the development of animal-free research methods. We inspire and enable consumers and companies to choose vegan options and make animal-friendly choices. With effective campaigns we engage the public, highlight animal welfare problems, present solutions and bring about concrete changes.
Project 1882 is entirely dependent on donations from the public. All donations make a difference and help create concrete results for animals. If you want to support our work for the animals, you can do it here. Thanks!
Project 1882 works globally to make a difference for the animals that are the most exploited and suffer the worst. Our clients are the chickens, hens, cows, pigs and other animals in need of our help - we are there to give them a voice and defend their rights. That is the core of our project since 1882.
To the European Commission: It's time to improve European animal welfare. Billions of animals in Europe suffer each year. Nowhere in the world are there more animals, than on factory farms. They are treated as products, even though they are sentient individuals with their own interests and needs.
To wish for the end of animals slavery
It's time to improve European animal welfare!
Animals are not ours.
We should stop treating vulnerable animals like they were objects. They need to go outside, they need to move, shouldn’t be beaten, they need access to health care. Stop to industrial meat industry!
Because animals lives matters
Save the animals please
To help these animals:)
Mistreating animals is immoral and destructive. Intensive farming is an immoral and destructive aberration, a total nonsense which must disappear. The animals must be preserved and respected . Governments are guilty and accomplices, passive and disastrously inactive, they deny humanity and nature, their own habitat towards chaos
Stop à la maltraitance animal
Read the latest news that has happened to the animals within Project 1882's focus areas.